From the airport you can take express bus No. 748 to the Main Bus Station – 5 minutes walk to us,
747 stops in the Lower Gardiner Street opposite our B&B - both costs € 6 per person or the public bus 16A or 41.
The bus stop is as well opposite from our B&B. The price will be approx. € 2.50 Euro per person.
From Connolly Station use Talbot Str. To the junction of Gardiner Str. And Talbot Str. Beside O’sheas hotel take right. Hazelbrook house is aprox. 150 m on the right site.
That will take a 5 minute walk.
From Busaras Station- bus station ands luas stop: going Store St to the Talbot Str. Take left and then take right up Gardiner Str.
That will take a 5 minute walk.